Santi Chacon
Denver, Colorado
Business Coach
Another Restless Life
You were meant to fulfill a radical purpose but as it stand you can't even get a foot hold. You are losing time and wonder if you will ever see the light at the end of the tunnel. At the moment you find yourself in that restless place again wishing for the type of success you have only dreamed of. The pangs of frustration is what is felt as you consider your failures against the landscape of achievers. Your soul aches for a resolution, a breath of fresh air as you labor relentlessly during those endless nights. The questions that beckon accountability over and over again scream:
Why aren't you as successful?
When will your time come?
Time To Reexamine
You are only as effective to the degree that you understand and work with fundamentals. If you are not achieving the success you desire than you must first discover the fundamentals of achievers and next you must measure what you do against those fundamentals. In this series you will discover those fundamental and will be invited to consider your attitude or posture around the specific behavioral principle. Just remember after you begin to apply these precepts your success is only a matter of time, so hang on, and press through.
Back To The Fundamentals
Fundamentals are not anything you do; as some type of technique, although “Doing” is in the nature of an achiever. The nature of fundamentals is about “Being” or whom you become as a process of habit and character development. To receive the greatest benefit from this series: after you are introduced to the character or behavioral principles, think on paper of how you can apply it in your current environment.
As you begin to re-discover the fundamentals in this series do not fall in the trap of thinking: 'I already do that,' The goal is 100% saturation of each principle before moving on. Take your time with this stuff and witness the transformation of your business life.
Attitudinal Principle #2:
The study of quantum mechanics reveals the key element in possessing a positive mental attitude. The principle element states: 'As your perception of a thing changes, the very nature of that thing changes.'
Entrepreneurs should have an attitude that is unshakable. The acronym I like to refer to for this occasion is 'GIGO'; Garbage In Garbage Out. What you put into your mind will either move you away or toward your goal for success:
- What do you read?
- What do you listen to?
- What do you watch?
- Is what you surround yourself with positive?
- How can you nurture more of a positive mindset?
- Who do you need to distance yourself from?
You must look at difficult times with a sense of curiosity and ask 'what is life attempting to teach me at this moment?' while working to improve yourself. You will be transformed by the renewing of your mind. If you want a better business, than put new things in your brain. You must know without a shadow of a doubt that you are a winner and that success is around the corner. Understand that things happen for your purpose, and that life is conspiring to make you successful.
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