The First Rule of Sales

businessman with headset
Business Coaching and Sales Development

By: Santi Chacon
Business Coach


In this discussion I will give you principles and guidelines for the sales process. What I want to ask of you in return is for you to go over these principles more than once to decide on the implications they have on your business, and write them down. This information will cause you to think about how you should position yourself when conducting a sales campaign.

I should add that a dominating factor in Sales Development Basics series is business to business sales vs. business to consumer; nonetheless I know this will be invaluable to anyone looking to develop a sales pipeline for their business.


The sales development ideas that will be presented have assisted millions of professionals in developing effective sales funnels and in turn have contributed to the world’s largest organizations. There are four sales mythologies I draw my ideals from: strategic selling, conceptual selling, spin selling, and solution selling. With these tips I am only scratching the surface.

Principle #3 The First Rule of Sales and Business

For your small business I recommend planning for long-term sales success. Your mind set should embrace a long-term perspective and focus; this means that you must consistently learn and apply proven principles that will increase your chances for the sale.

If You're Competent At Sales, You Will Never Have To Sell Again.

One of the first obstacles you have in business is to generate enough sales to create positive cash flow and to invest in human capital. Business professionals need to create an infrastructure that will be self-sustaining. As a business owner you must be able to create enough business and positive cash flow through your sales efforts, so you can replace yourself as the sales person and promote yourself to a strategic marketing role.

A FREE evaluation with a business coach is a value of $500.

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